Thursday, May 15, 2008

Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Things were a little intense and messy around here this morning, due to a large felled limb that I simply could not get past. Having dealt with that ornery limb and removing the impasse, we are right back on our previous course, merely a wee bit behind schedule. I would like to share with you a lovely little detour -- the scenic route, if you will -- which will lead us back towards the main road.
For your dining pleasure, please enjoy a little sampling of Amazing Mackerel Pudding, on the house, courtesy of We expect little traffic and no delays. So just kick back, relax, and enjoy the snacks. We should reach our destination as previously planned.

ps. Here's a simply scrumptious dessert to finish with, courtesy of amalah. It pairs a tangy, saucy bite with a smooth & cheesy finish. (Coincidentally, she also has a book out, brand-spanking new! -- though it has nothing to do with food or drink. Well, maybe a little bit about milk? Go read about it!)

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