I am
Jujyfruit. I am a middle-aged
SAHM, although I am extremely reluctant to define myself that way. I have 3 kids, 2 cars, and 1 husband. I have been changing diapers and doing the mom thing for 12 years now. I am experiencing life with
all three kids in school for the first time this year. I always thought I would be back at work by now. I'm realizing that's a problem, because I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I love words, puzzles, creative projects, and laughing; this blog is my attempt at combining those things. I also love reading other blogs (& books), stumbling across entertaining websites, and bargain-hunting
IRL; those things will probably show up in here, too.

My husband,
Pop, and I have been married for 18 years. He is mildly amused by my blogging foray, as long as I don't embarrass him too much. (Truthfully, I think he's actually more worried that I will embarrass
Tootsie is my 11-year-old daughter. She is a loving, tender-hearted, responsible kid, who enjoys being in charge of her brothers.
And sometimes I even ask her to!
Bubba is my 9-year-old son. He is rather serious & often quiet, with a good mind and a great sense of humor. Sometimes I think he is a weary grown-up
stuck in a kid's body.
Junior is my 6-year-old son. He has special needs and makes our lives MORE of everything: more frustrating, more satisfying; more complicated, more simple. He is both
incredibly active and
non-verbal, a recipe which tends to produce interesting results. You can read more about him
here.(Editor's Note -- All names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

What a "sweet" family portrait.
Now us -- I see us more as the house of mixed nuts, though how to allocate nutty identities . . .
This is one of the most interesting "About" pages I've ever read! I'll have to dig around your blog. Thanks for adding me to your Tootsie Roll. Oops. I meant Blog Roll!
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