Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Say What??

Pop: I fixed your bedside lamp. The switch is broken.

Me: Great! Thanks! (after a slight pause) Wait -- what? The switch is broken?

Pop: Yes. I fixed it, and the switch is broken.

Me: Oh. So, you were able to fix the switch?

Pop: No. I fixed the lamp, and now the switch is broken.

Me: So...it's fixed?

Pop: (getting perturbed that I don't understand) The switch is broken.

Me: So did you fix it or not?

Pop: Yes!! I fixed it, just like you asked me to! And the switch is broken!

Me: But...the switch wasn't broken earlier. Did you break it?

Pop: NO, I DID NOT BREAK IT! I FIXED IT! And the switch is broken!

Me: Uh.....

Oh, hi, there Pop! Are you having a nice day at work? Hey, nice that you stopped in to read my blog today! OK, bye! Gotta run! Kisses!

1 comment:

atsirk said...

Oh my gosh! My pop laughed till he cried...been there done something like that apparently!